Friday, January 31, 2025

The Project so Far

 I have named my fleet of discarded laptops after characters in batman. So far there is Alfred (Mint), Batman (Arch), Catwoman (Mint), Dr. Hugo (Arch), and Etrigan is just sitting with Windows, waiting for another chance at life.

I forgot my password on Batman, one of my chromebooks-turned-ultrabooks, so I decided the easiest way to deal with it would be to just install a new OS. Ha ha.

The USB I have been using to install Arch didn't work -- Python, Traceback, something, something. Fuck it. I'm not a real Arch user; I just use the archinstall script. Next up, I went to my go-to Mint. But man, holy shit, the difference in Mint Xia (version 22.1) versus Una (version 20.3) is massive. It is a full gig bigger, with represents damn near a 50% increase on the size of the ISO. And while that worked really well for the cheapo new computer I recently bought and set up for my mother-in-law[1] Batman absolutely could not take it...

I am not going to stand having to wait for a window to open. I see it as a moral principle that the user should not have to wait for a basic I/O operation. And what makes for a moral principle (versus an opinion) is a willingness to make sacrifices in its defense. And so I feel it is now time for Batman to move to AntiX Linux (or Tiny Core, or Puppy). I am now running into the position where my problems may be caused in no small part by the size of systemd.

Good. Now I have reasons to try to be punk as hell about something. (Uh -- that I can actually do something about).

[1] I did not use the Batman naming convention on her computer, instead naming it "MethodistBook." If I ever take the computer back, I'll wipe the OS and rename it in the Batman convention.

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